Monitrice Care

Monitrice Care

Monitrice services are perfect for families choosing or needing to plan a hospital birth, with a hospital-based midwife or obstetrician, who wishes to remain at home during early and early active labor. A Monitrice is a trained midwife who provides labor support (similar to a doula) and various clinical assessments, such as listening to & evaluating your baby's heartbeat or performing a vaginal exam, designed to help you decide the optimal time to move from home to your intended place of birth. Generally, families hire a monitrice (as opposed to simply hiring a Birth Doula), when there are special circumstances, such as planning a vaginal birth after a cesarean or in response to a previous birth trauma. As a Monitrice, I am NOT acting as your primary pregnancy or birth care provider and will not be providing prenatal, home birth, postpartum or newborn care in the same manner as I would if I was your Midwife. As a Monitrice I will not catch your baby; and once you are admitted to the hospital, my role will shift to that of Birth Doula. Your care provider must be aware that you are planning to use a monitrice in labor, before entering the hospital, and I am happy to talk directly with them or accompany you to an appointment, to explain my role and expertise. 

The fee for monitrice services is $3000.00. A deposit of $300.00 is required with the balance paid by 36 weeks of pregnancy. This fee includes: